Welcome to The Carpentries Mailing lists. We have many channels of threaded discussion here. The most general and broad discussions about teaching, pedagogy, technology and tools happen in the discuss-* mailing lists. Conversations with local and regional communities happen in the local-* mailing lists. Other lists break out in to specific tools, localities, disciplines and sub-communities. For more information about the various sub-communities and the vocabulary we use to describe them check out our about community info page: https://carpentries.org/community This is an open, kind, and respectful community. Users of this system are expected to follow our Code of Conduct: https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html
This list is for anyone who is interested in the Incubator Jekyll lesson
This is a list for discussion and announcements of the AMY database tool. Development happens at https://github.com/swcarpentry/amy
This list is for discussions about the development of the AMY database tool used to track workshops, instructors and other Carpentries activities. Development happens at https://github.com/swcarpentry/amy
Archived mailing list for The Carpentries Member Organisations. This list is no longer active but will remain searchable as an archive.
The Assessment Network is a community for those working on assessment within the open source/research computing space to collaborate and share resources. The network meets quarterly to discuss best practices and share resources.
This group will be for the planning group to execute CC @ Home
Email list for the Accessibility Sub-committee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Email list for the Budget Sub-committee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Email list for the Communications Sub-committee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Email list for the Content Development Sub-committee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Email list for the Programs Subcommittee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Email list for the Website Subcommittee of the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Taskforce members and others who are a part of the logistics of planning CarpentryConnects.
Discussion around Carpentry Champions and their quarterly meetings. Carpentry Champions work to build local Carpentry communities at their local organizations.
this will be used for general announcements applicable to all Curriculum Advisors
Group used to discuss Data Harvesting for Agriculture
Discussions of astronomy curriculum.
Discussions about digital humanities curriculum for The Carpentries.
Discussion of economics curriculum.
Discussions of Geospatial Curriculum.
List to discuss development of Japanese lessons
Discussions around Social Sciences curriculum.
Discussions pertaining to the Library Carpentry community.
A place for R-related teaching, lessons and skill development. The R Discuss list is a place to connect with fellow community members about R and how to teach R effectively.
This email list is for the participants of the workshops hosted by the Equity Council through the funding of the Alfred P. Sloan Grant.
This is a list for topics related to the Carpentries Instructor Development Committee. Etherpad: https://pad.carpentries.org/instructor-development
Public email list for all Carpentries conversation in Bangladesh Slack: https://app.slack.com/client/T03LE485Y/C020WFN8BL1
This mailing list is for any Carpentries community member interested in activities occurring in Canada. When you join, please introduce yourself
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Colorado.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Davis California.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities within Washington, DC, in the US.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in India.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Lansing, Michigan.
For persons located in Southeast USA to discuss all things Library Carpentry
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Merced, California.
Mailing list to discuss activities, upcoming events and topics related to The Carpentries in the Nordic Region (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Island, and Estonia)
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Puerto Rico.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities within the University of California system.
This is a mailing list for members of The Carpentries community who are supporting workshops and related activities at the University of Georgia. Anyone is welcome to join. For questions? Please email community@carpentries.org
This mailing list is for any member of the Carpentries community who is interested in activities occurring in the Southeastern United States.
This list is for local topics pertaining to those interested in growing communities in and around Vancouver.
To discuss machine learning within The Carpentries
Discussions, announcements, and questions related to The Carpentries Workbench
Discussions and Questions for instructors participating in the Beta Phase of the Workbench from 2022-Q3 to 2023-Q2
Discussions and questions for Maintainers participating in the Workbench Beta Phase Q3 2022 to Q2 2023